API Reference

The Jock MKT API allows for programmatic interaction with the Jock MKT trading platform from your own custom applications. Our API includes both REST-based endpoints and a number of websocket-based streaming endpoints for receiving live updates that will be released in the coming weeks. We require all API traffic to be passed via a secure HTTPS connection.


The Jock MKT REST API uses standard HTTP verbs and URL structures, form-encoded request bodies, and returns responses as JSON. Both the REST API and streaming endpoints use common object definitions whose types are described below.

Rate Limiting

All traffic to the Jock MKT API is rate-limited per user account. The current API rate limit is 250 requests per minute for all endpoints. API endpoints that create or modify orders are limited to 10 requests per minute.

Latest Version

The Jock MKT API is available as a beta preview of our upcoming v1 release. While we will make every effort to not make backwards-incompatible changes, such changes are possible.

If you would like to send feedback such as bug reports and feature requests to the Jock MKT API platform team, please reach out to us via email.

Getting Started

If you have not yet received Jock MKT API credentials, you must first register as a Jock MKT developer.

Base URL


The Jock MKT API uses API keys and secrets for authentication when communicating with our API. API keys will have the prefix jm_key_.

It is very important that you keep your API keys and secrets secure. Do not share or post your API credentials in any place that could be publicly viewable, and never commit it to a source code repository such as Github.

To make an authenticated request utilizing your API key, you must use your key and secret to obtain an access_token. Once you receive an access token, you'll pass it as a bearer token to authenticate requests made to our API.

Requests that are sent without an access token, or with a token that is not active at the time of the API call, will fail due to lack of authorization. See errors for more information.


Creating a Token

Body Parameters


The type of OAuth grant that is desired. Always client_credentials when creating tokens from external services with an API key and secret.


The API key given to you by Jock MKT with prefix jm_key_.


The API secret key given to you by Jock MKT.


Returns a newly created session if the request succeeds; use the access_token to make subsequent API requests. Returns an error if there is a problem creating the session.

$ curl -X POST https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/oauth/tokens \
-d grant_type=client_credentials \
-d key=jm_api_xxx \
-d secret=xxx
status: "success",
session: {
access_token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUz...",
object: "session",
created_at: 1595293126482,
expired_at: 1595293126482


The Jock MKT API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether or not the request succeeded. If an API request does not succeed, the API will return information about the means of failure in the HTTP response code and via an error field passed in the response.

Successful requests will always return a 200 OK status code and a success response in the response body's status field. All other requests return with error in the body's status field.

Invalid requests return a 400 Bad Request status code. The error body parameter will be bad_request to indicate that the request could not be performed as sent (e.g. if a required parameter was not included).

Requests that lack valid authorization return a 401 Not Authorized status code. The error body parameter will be not_authorized.

Requests are formatted correctly but fail return a 402 Request Failed status code. In most cases, the error body parameter will provide a more precise reason for failure, including insufficient_funds, event_status to help with debugging, however, some failure cases will default to returning request_failed if a more helpful response cannot be generated.

Requests that refer to resources that Jock MKT cannot locate return a 404 Not Found status code. The error body parameter will be not_found.

Requests that are made in excess of an account's rate limiting return a 429 Rate Limited status code. The error body parameter will be not_found.

Requests that fail due to an issue with the Jock MKT platform return a 50x Internal Error status code. The error body parameter will be internal_error.

Error Response — 401 Not Authorized
status: "error",
error: "not_authorized"
Error Response — 402 Request Failed
status: "error",
error: "insufficient_funds"


The Account object includes information about the authenticated account that is linked to your API credentials, including important biographic and gameplay information, such as your eligibility to compete in cash markets.


Account Object



Unique identifier for the account with prefix acct_.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always account for this object type.


The email address of the account.


The first name of the user to whom the account belongs, if available.


The last name of the user to whom the account belongs, if available.


The publicly-viewable display name for this account.


The status of this account. Accounts in good standing and without restriction will have the active status flag.

If your account has a status other than active, you should reach out to Jock MKT support.


The language associated with this account. This field will always return en.


A timestamp representing the time that the account was created.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this balance may have changed.

The Account Object
id: "acct_sh4is33Jd9J3dc8J",
object: "account",
email: "user@jockmkt.com",
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Smith",
display_name: "jockmkt",
status: "active",
language: "en",
created_at: 1595293126482,
updated_at: 1595293126482

Fetch Account

Retrieve information about the authenticated account.

Query Parameters


One or more optional fields related to the retrieved object, formatted as comma-separated strings within [] square brackets. Defaults to no inclusions.

For the Account object, you may request that balances and positions be included in the response. Including balances will attach the account's current Balance objects. Including positions will attach the account's current Position objects, if any.


Returns the Account object for the authenticated user in the account field of the response body if the request succeeds. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Account.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/account \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
account: {
id: "act_sh4is33Jd9J3dc8J",
object: "account",
email: "user@jockmkt.com",
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Smith",
display_name: "jockmkt",
status: "active",
language: "en",
created_at: "2021-04-10T02:04:46+00:00",
updated_at: "2021-04-10T02:04:46+00:00"


The Balance object represents your account's balance in a particular currency.

Jock MKT accounts will always report a balance in United States Dollars, and may report additional contest chip balances if you have joined a contest event that has not yet paid out prizes.


The Balance Object



Unique identifier for the balance.

When the balance has a type of fiat, the currency will be a three-letter lowercase ISO currency code (e.g. usd). When the balance has a type of contest, the currency is a contest chip currency and will have the prefix cur_.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always balance for this object type.


The type of the currency, either fiat or contest.


The total amount of currency owned. This amount includes all funds that have been cleared into your account. This amount does not factor in amounts held against open orders or to meet other obligations.


The total amount of currency that is currently pending clearance either to or from your account. This amount includes deposited funds that have not become available to spend, or funds that have been cleared to be withdrawn but have not yet been cleared to your bank.


The total amount of currency that can be spent. This amount represents your total currency balance less any funds that are held against open orders and short obligations.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this balance may have changed.


Whether or not the balance has been archived. Contest currencies are archived at the conclusion of the prize payout process, after which they are no longer reported as user balances.

This field is only present and set to true in streaming scenarios and is never visible via the API.

The Balance Object — Fiat
currency: "usd",
object: "balance",
type: "fiat",
total: 1413.12,
pending: 400,
buying_power: 1044.59,
updated_at: 1595293126482
The Balance Object — Contest
currency: "cur_xxx",
object: "balance",
type: "contest",
total: 459.4822,
pending: 0,
buying_power: 102.1134,
updated_at: 1595293126482

Fetch Balances

Retrieve active balances for the authenticated user.

Query Parameters


Restricts the response to include only balance objects whose updated_at timestamps are greater than the passed value.


Returns the active list of Balance objects for the authenticated user in the balances field of the response body if the request succeeds. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the list of Balance objects.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/balances \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
count: 1,
balances: [
currency: "usd",
object: "balance",
type: "fiat",
total: 1034.56,
buying_power: 984.22,
pending: 200,
updated_at: 1595806459464


The Team object provides metadata about the real-world organization that is associated with a player, such as the Boston Red Sox or the Arizona Cardinals, and are unique per league.

Teams are only available for leagues that have a logical team structure.


The Team Object



Unique identifier for the team.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always team for this object type.


The human-readable name of this team.


The league that this entity is associated with. One of nba, nfl, nhl or mlb.


The abbreviated name for this team.


The geographic location that the team originates from.


An identifier to assist in linking Jock MKT ids to the id systems of other data providers.

The Team Object
id: "team_8fe94ef0d1f0a00e1285301c4092650f",
object: "team",
name: "49ers",
league: "nfl",
abbreviation: "SF",
location: "San Francisco",
sportradar_id: "f0e724b0-4cbf-495a-be47-013907608da9"

Fetch Team

Fetch a single Team object by its unique identifier.

Query Parameters

This request does not support any query parameters.


Returns the Team object for the given id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Team.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/teams/team_8fe94ef0d1f0a00e1285301c4092650f \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
team: {
id: "team_8fe94ef0d1f0a00e1285301c4092650f",
object: "team",
name: "49ers",
league: "nfl",
abbr: "SF",
location: "San Francisco",
sportradar_id: "f0e724b0-4cbf-495a-be47-013907608da9"

Fetch Teams

Retrieve a list of Team objects. This query always returns Team objects in ascending order by league and name.

Query Parameters


One or more ids to filter the response by; comma-separated values inside [] brackets.


The league to retrieve teams for. If you do not include a league, the query will return teams for all leagues.


The first Team entity to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of records to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Returns a list of Team objects, filtered and sorted according to any passed query parameters. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Team entities.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/teams \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d "league=nfl" \
-d "start=18" \
-d "limit=1"
status: "success",
start: 18,
limit: 1,
count: 32,
teams: [
id: "team_8fe94ef0d1f0a00e1285301c4092650f",
object: "team",
name: "49ers",
league: "nfl",
abbr: "SF",
location: "San Francisco",
sportradar_id: "f0e724b0-4cbf-495a-be47-013907608da9"


Entities refer to real-world players that take part in one or more games, accruing stats that, when translated to fantasy points, provide the basis for Jock MKT event scoring.

Each entity includes a league field to indicate the type of biographical information to expect for the player. Depending on the associated league, an entity may include an attached Team entity indicating current team affiliation.


The Entity Object



Unique identifier for the entity with prefix en_.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always entity for this object type.


The full or common human-readable name for this entity.


The formal first name for this entity.


The preferred name for this entity, when available, used when a player is better known by a name other than their first name.


The last name for this entity.


The league that this entity is associated with.


The entity's current status within their league.


The player's position.


The college that the player attended.


The player's rookie year.


The player's height in inches.


The player's weight in pounds.


The player's jersey number.


The college that the player attended.


The year that the player first entered their league.


The year that the player first appeared in their league.


The year that the player turned professional. Only present for entities with a league of pga.


The player's primary shooting side. Only present for entities with a league of nhl.


An id to use for mapping entities from the Jock MKT platform to the id system in use by an external data provider.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this object may have changed.

The Entity Object - NFL
id: "en_6025693d374b384994316c1e13f40416",
object: "entity",
name: "Tom Brady",
first_name: "Tom",
preferred_name: "Tom",
last_name: "Brady",
league: "nfl",
status: "active",
jersey_number: "12",
position: "QB",
rookie_year: 2000,
college: "Michigan",
birthdate: "1977-08-03",
sportradar_id: "41c44740-d0f6-44ab-8347-3b5d515e5ecf",
current_team_id: "team_8fe94ef0d1f0a00e1285301c4092650f",
updated_at: 1622208358799
The Entity Object - NBA
id: "en_953b227a97f4290aed5f55ba10d15cfe",
object: "entity",
name: "Luka Doncic",
league: "nba",
first_name: "Luka",
preferred_name: "Luka",
last_name: "Doncic",
position: "PG",
height: 79,
weight: 230,
birthdate: "1999-02-28",
jersey_number: "77",
college: "77",
rookie_year: 2018,
status: "active",
sportradar_id: "d2ee92e9-3e72-45eb-b156-2dc5adc1e6f7",
current_team_id: "team_0aba5fce9c221722e6b28868fa646dd0",
updated_at: 1623004800411

Fetch Entity

Fetch a single Entity object by its unique identifier.

Query Parameters


One or more optional fields related to the retrieved object, formatted as comma-separated strings within [] square brackets. Defaults to no inclusions.

For the Entity object, only team is an expandable field, which returns the related Team object. If there is no related Team object, this query parameter has no effect.


Returns the Entity object for the given id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Entity.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/entities/ent_6025693d374b384994316c1e13f40416 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d "include=[team]"
status: "success",
entity: {
id: "en_6025693d374b384994316c1e13f40416",
object: "entity",
name: "Tom Brady",
first_name: "Tom",
preferred_name: "Tom",
last_name: "Brady",
league: "nfl",
status: "active",
jersey_number: "12",
position: "QB",
rookie_year: 2000,
college: "Michigan",
birthdate: "1977-08-03",
sportradar_id: "41c44740-d0f6-44ab-8347-3b5d515e5ecf",
updated_at: 1622208358799,
current_team_id: "team_8fe94ef0d1f0a00e1285301c4092650f",
current_team: {
id: "team_8fe94ef0d1f0a00e1285301c4092650f",
object: "team",
name: "Bucaneers",
league: "nfl",
abbr: "TB",
location: "Tampa Bay",
sportradar_id: "f0e724b0-4cbf-495a-be47-013907608da9"

Fetch Entities

Retrieve a list of Entity objects. This query always returns Entity objects in ascending order by id.

Query Parameters


The league to retrieve entities for. If you do not include a league, the query will return entities from all leagues.


One or more optional fields related to the retrieved object, formatted as comma-separated strings within [] square brackets. Defaults to no inclusions.

For the Entity object, only team is an expandable field, which returns the related Team object. If there is no related Team object, this query parameter has no effect.


Restricts the response to include only entity objects whose updated_at timestamps are greater than the passed value.


The first Entity object to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of objects to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Returns a list of Entity objects, filtered and sorted according to any passed query parameters. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Entity objects.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/entities \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
-d "start=3286"
-d "limit=2"
-d "include=[team]"
status: "success",
start: 3286,
limit: 2,
count: 9871,
entities: [
id: "en_6022ca624de334d267308997f5ba733a",
object: "entity",
name: "Dmitry Orlov",
league: "nhl",
first_name: "Dmitry",
preferred_name: "Dmitry",
last_name: "Orlov",
position: "D",
sportradar_id: "436af78e-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44",
jersey_number: "9",
handedness: "L",
height: 71,
weight: 208,
birthdate: "1991-07-23",
rookie_year: 2011,
status: "active",
updated_at: 1622207808229,
current_team_id: "team_6021a24eed8d65d55141f30494460d7c",
team: {
id: "team_6021a24eed8d65d55141f30494460d7c",
object: "team",
league: "nhl",
name: "Capitals",
location: "Washington",
abberviation: "WSH",
sportradar_id: "4417eede-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44"
id: "en_6022ca625160de611c29fb1aee317ced",
object: "entity",
name: "Zdeno Chara",
league: "nhl",
current_team_id: "team_6021a24eed8d65d55141f30494460d7c",
first_name: "Zdeno",
preferred_name: "Zdeno",
last_name: "Chara",
position: "D",
sportradar_id: "42edc16b-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44",
jersey_number: "33",
handedness: "L",
height: 81,
weight: 250,
birthdate: "1977-03-18",
rookie_year: 1997,
status: "active",
updated_at: 1622207808236,
team: {
id: "team_6021a24eed8d65d55141f30494460d7c",
object: "team",
league: "nhl",
name: "Capitals",
location: "Washington",
abberviation: "WSH",
sportradar_id: "4417eede-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44"


Games describe real-world events, matches, games, races and tournaments that Entity objects may compete in to earn fantasy points.

Jock MKT provides certain limited information about upcoming games, such as tee times for pga tournaments and expected lineups for mlb games. During the game, Jock MKT may provide game state information such as current clock, period, and quarter information.

Games begin their lifecycle with an upcoming scheduled status, and move to in_progress once gameplay begins. Both scheduled and in_progress games may become delayed, and move to in_progress if gameplay resumes.

Games that have completed, but have not yet had their statistics finalized, carry the complete status, moving to final once finalized by the associated league.

A game that becomes cancelled will not be played. A game that is postponed or suspended may be played or resumed at a later date depending on league rules. A game that is pending_review has gone final and is experiencing a statistical update.


The Game Object



Unique identifier for the game with prefix game_.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always game for this object type.


The human-readable name of this game.


The league that this entity is associated with.


The time at which this game is expected to start.


The current status of the game. One of scheduled, in_progress, cancelled, complete, delayed, final, pending_review, postponed, or suspended.


Data about the current game state for the home team, for sports with opposing teams, such as the number of timeouts left or current score.


Data about the current game state for the away team, for sports with opposing teams, such as the number of runs scored.


Information about the current state of the game, such as current round or clock information, depending on the game's league.


Information about the location where the game is scheduled to be played.


Information about the expected conditions at the location where the game is scheduled to be played, for games with a league with outdoor play.


An identifier to assist in linking Jock MKT ids to the id systems of other data providers.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this game changed.

The Game Object — Upcoming NBA
id: "game_60bb686586eaf95a5e8dafa3823d89cb",
object: "game",
name: "Atlanta Hawks at Philadelphia 76ers",
league: "nba",
scheduled_start: 1623195000000,
status: "scheduled",
home: {
team_id: "team_de200b98559735706b2e4cc581bf65ef"
away: {
team_id: "team_4d7379c8d756e5a15190c56b550778a8"
sportradar_id: "9511cce9-968e-49db-a390-bc8c34723310",
updated_at: 1622894959574
The Game Object — Completed MLB
id: "game_60491e1b599f7a94fd9ddee451d5c39e",
object: "game",
name: "Brewers at Cubs",
league: "mlb",
scheduled_start: 1617819600000,
venue: {
type: "outdoor"
home: {
team_id: "team_7794cd2467d00887730e9ad5ed9af850",
runs: 2,
hits: 3,
errors: 2
away: {
team_id: "team_57fdb82200b94944212259fb4253890d",
runs: 4,
hits: 8,
errors: 1
state: {
last_inning: 10,
duration: "3:32",
double_header: false
amount_completed: 1,
status: "final",
sportradar_id: "3a51c137-eaf5-4d5f-b7f5-755e0cb43e2a",
updated_at: 1622208216671

Fetch Game

Fetch a single Game object by its unique identifier.

Query Parameters

This request does not support any query parameters.


Returns the Game object for the given id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Game.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/games/game_60bb686586eaf95a5e8dafa3823d89cb \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
game: {
id: "game_60bb686586eaf95a5e8dafa3823d89cb",
object: "game",
name: "Atlanta Hawks at Philadelphia 76ers",
league: "nba",
scheduled_start: 1623195000000,
status: "in_progress",
home: {
team_id: "team_de200b98559735706b2e4cc581bf65ef",
points: 77
away: {
team_id: "team_4d7379c8d756e5a15190c56b550778a8",
points: 70
state: {
clock: "4:59",
quarter: 3
sportradar_id: "9511cce9-968e-49db-a390-bc8c34723310",
updated_at: 1623201948475

Fetch Games

Retrieve a list of Game objects. This query always returns Game objects in descending order by scheduled start time.

Query Parameters


One or more ids to filter the response by; comma-separated values inside [] brackets.


The league to retrieve games for. If you do not include a league, the query will return games for all leagues.


The offset of the first Game entity to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of records to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Returns a list of Game objects, filtered and sorted according to any passed query parameters. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Game entities.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/games \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d "league=nba" \
-d "start=376" \
-d "limit=1"
status: "success",
start: 376,
limit: 1,
count: 944,
games: [
id: "game_60bb686586eaf95a5e8dafa3823d89cb",
object: "game",
name: "Atlanta Hawks at Philadelphia 76ers",
league: "nba",
scheduled_start: 1623195000000,
status: "in_progress",
home: {
team_id: "team_de200b98559735706b2e4cc581bf65ef",
points: 77
away: {
team_id: "team_4d7379c8d756e5a15190c56b550778a8",
points: 70
state: {
clock: "4:59",
quarter: 3
sportradar_id: "9511cce9-968e-49db-a390-bc8c34723310",
updated_at: 1623201948475

Game Logs

Game logs provide a means to report statistical information for the performance of an individual player, or Entity, in a particular Game and for a particular Team, if applicable for the associated league.

Game logs may report Jock MKT stat projections, used to calculate projected fantasy points and compute Tradeable rank prior to the opening of an event's IPO. Stats may not be updated in real time and are not finalized for scoring until the underlying game moves to a final status.


The Game Log Object



Unique identifier for the game log with prefix gl_.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always game_log for this object type.


The unique identifier for the player whose game stats are represented in the included stats fields.


The unique identifier for the games where the underlying stats are being projected and scored.


The unique identifier for the Team that the given Entity is expected to play for during the game, if supported for the Entity and Game league.


A timestamp representing the first time that coverage began for the given player in the given game.


The time at which this game is expected to start.


The stats expected to be scored by the indicated Entity in the given Game. This value is set prior to game start and should not be used as the basis for automated trading.


The stats scored by the indicated Entity in the given Game to date, provided from our data partners.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this event changed.

The Game Log Object — NBA Entity
id: "gl_60bb6999a8e249b713a5e63b7e68551a",
object: "game_log",
entity_id: "en_12d0c14aa5dfd232a0298a737f5a59fc",
game_id: "game_60bb6865db77b27f567fbf8923e400f9",
team_id: "team_a6917fcb35a29ee9de8c00be7e36f5ae",
created_at: 1623101400000,
scheduled_start: 1623101400000,
stats: {
blocks: 1,
points: 18,
steals: 0,
assists: 4,
minutes: "30:47",
rebounds: 11,
turnovers: 3,
field_goals_att: 15,
free_throws_att: 7,
field_goals_made: 8,
free_throws_made: 2,
three_points_att: 3,
three_points_made: 0,
defensive_rebounds: 10,
offensive_rebounds: 1
projected_stats: {
blocks: 1.246,
points: 29.251,
steals: 1.383,
assists: 6.346,
rebounds: 13.099,
turnovers: 3.762,
field_goals_att: 20.032,
free_throws_att: 9.49,
field_goals_made: 10.622,
free_throws_made: 6.579,
three_points_att: 4.64,
three_points_made: 1.428,
defensive_rebounds: 10.862,
offensive_rebounds: 2.237
updated_at: 1623101400000

Fetch Game Logs

Fetch a list of GameLog object by its unique identifier.

Query Parameters


One or more ids to filter the response by; comma-separated values inside [] brackets.


Restricts the response to include GameLog objects with the given Entity id.


Restricts the response to include GameLog objects with the given Game id.


One or more optional fields related to the retrieved object, formatted as comma-separated strings within [] square brackets. Defaults to no inclusions.

For the GameLog object, you may request that entity, game, and team be included in the response.


Restricts the response to include only entity objects whose updated_at timestamps are greater than the passed value.


The first Event entity to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of records to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Returns the GameLog object for the given id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the GameLog.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/game_logs \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d "entity_id=en_67c8368a3905f8beee69393ccec854e5" \
-d "start=1" \
-d "limit=2"
status: "success",
start: 1,
limit: 2,
count: 43,
game_logs: [
id: "gl_60cde7f973f9e00674785e5e144a802b",
entity_id: "en_67c8368a3905f8beee69393ccec854e5",
game_id: "game_60cde69ee06e791b99ed71e6013fc4a7",
team_id: "team_b24eab7ad40329a6c2d98499001984d6",
scheduled_start: 1624582800000,
created_at: 1624107001233,
updated_at: 1624558204057,
projected_stats: {
blocks: 1.369,
points: 16.203,
steals: 0.725,
assists: 1.656,
rebounds: 13.239,
turnovers: 1.788,
field_goals_att: 11.532,
free_throws_att: 3.108,
field_goals_made: 6.895,
free_throws_made: 2.283,
three_points_att: 0.535,
three_points_made: 0.13,
defensive_rebounds: 9.032,
offensive_rebounds: 4.207
id: "gl_60cde7f94a68aae2e74fab1f0d26d526",
entity_id: "en_67c8368a3905f8beee69393ccec854e5",
game_id: "game_60cde69e487d52b6dc42900fbcafb60d",
team_id: "team_b24eab7ad40329a6c2d98499001984d6",
scheduled_start: 1624410000000,
created_at: 1624107001226,
updated_at: 1624421727959,
stats: {
blocks: 1,
points: 24,
steals: 1,
assists: 1,
minutes: "34:32",
rebounds: 14,
turnovers: 1,
field_goals_att: 15,
free_throws_att: 1,
field_goals_made: 12,
free_throws_made: 0,
three_points_att: 0,
three_points_made: 0,
defensive_rebounds: 11,
offensive_rebounds: 3
projected_stats: {
blocks: 1.33,
points: 17.604,
steals: 0.78,
assists: 2.109,
rebounds: 13.43,
turnovers: 1.941,
field_goals_att: 12.487,
free_throws_att: 3.384,
field_goals_made: 7.477,
free_throws_made: 2.516,
three_points_att: 0.55,
three_points_made: 0.134,
defensive_rebounds: 9.331,
offensive_rebounds: 4.099


Users of the Jock MKT platform compete head-to-head against other players in events that are created and managed by Jock MKT. Events include a slate of entities who may compete in one or more real-world events, earning stats eligible for scoring. Events also include information on fixed, guaranteed payouts that Jock MKT will issue at the conclusion of the event.

The Jock MKT platform includes two event types. In market events, players create orders and receive payouts in USD, which can be withdrawn at any time. In contest events, players must first "buy-in" to the event, where they receive a fixed number of chips that are used to play the event. At the conclusion of contest events, players have their chip balance liquidated and prizes are paid-out in USD according to the published prize list for the contest.

Events lock to changes approximately sixty minutes prior to the opening of the event IPO. Until the event locks, events are subject to change at any time, including changing included entities, games, and payout and prize schedules.


The Event Object



Unique identifier for the event.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always event for this object type.


The human-readable name for this event.


The human-readable description for this event.


The type of event, either market or contest.


This event's current status, one of scheduled, cancelled, halted, ipo, ipo_closed, live, live_closed, payouts_completed or prizes_paid. Contest events may have any status, while market events may have any status other than contest_paid (markets conclude with the payouts_completed status, while contests undergo an additional prize payout step and progress from payouts_completed to prizes_paid).

State transitions occur sequentially between scheduled, ipo, ipo_closed, live, live_closed, payouts_completed and prizes_paid (for contests). Events may become cancelled before their IPO closes. Events that have not yet become closed to live trading may be halted if required.


The league associated with this event.


The currency identifier for the currency used for gameplay in the event. Always usd for market events. For contest events, a unique currency identifier for the contest chips in use for the event.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this event changed.


A unique identifier for the scoring method in use by the event.


The time when the event will open for IPO orders.


The time when the event is expected to be open to live trading. The IPO ends at an unpublished time a few minutes prior the live at time.


The time when the event is expected to close to live trading. The event closes to live trading after games that are included in the event have progressed to a closed state and data collection completes (this means, for example, that a MLB game that has progressed to a suspended status, even though the game may continue play at a later date.)


The minimum bid required for all orders in the event.


The minimum amount that an order's limit price must be over an existing price in order for it to be accepted as greater than an existing order at the lower price.


The time that the IPO concluded and the event opened for live trading.


The time that the event closed for live trading.


The time that all payouts were completed for the event.


The currency that is required to buy-in to the event. Present for contest events.


The amount of entry_currency that will be deducted from a user's account in order to join the contest. Present for contest events.


The number of chips received for buying into the contest. Present for contest events.


The minimum number of users required for the event to take place. Present for contest events.


The maximum number of users that will be allowed to join the event. Present for contest events.


The number of users who have joined the contest. Present for contest events.


The currency that will be awarded as prizes for the event. Present for contest events.


The total prize pool available to win in the contest. Present for contest events.


The manner in which prizes are awarded to users who take part in the contest. Present for contest events.

When fixed, see fixed_prizes for prize levels. When chop_the_pot, prizes are allocated according to the percentage of total chip ownership at the conclusion of the event for each player.


Whether or not Jock MKT market making bots are eligible to win prizes. Present for contest events.


The amount of entry_currency that will be deducted from a user's account in order to join the contest. Present for contest events.


The fixed prize schedule. Present for contest events with prize_strategy of fixed.


The time that prize payouts were completed. Present for contest events.

The Event Object — Market / Scheduled
id: "evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12",
object: "event",
name: "NBA Daily Market 4/9",
description: "Daily market for NBA trading",
type: "market",
status: "scheduled",
league: "nba",
currency: "usd",
scoring_method: "nba_v1",
ipo_open_at: 1623101400000,
live_at_estimated: 1623108600000,
close_at_estimated: 1623125700000,
starting_bid: 1,
min_tick: 0.01,
amount_completed: 1,
updated_at: 1623042010467
The Event Object — Contest / Prizes Paid
id: "evt_60baf6cd7702cd2291f303d971787271",
object: "event",
name: "$50 NBA Daily Contest 6/6",
description: "Free-to-play daily NBA contest",
type: "contest",
status: "prizes_paid",
league: "nba",
currency: "cur_60baf6cd7702cd2291f303d971787271",
updated_at: 1623020176965,
scoring_method: "nba_v1",
ipo_open_at: 1622995200000,
live_at_estimated: 1622998800000,
close_at_estimated: 1623015900000,
starting_bid: 1,
min_tick: 0.01,
ipo_completed_at: 1622998696309,
payouts_completed_at: 1623020159030,
live_close_at: 1623019154326,
amount_completed: 1,
contest: {
entry_cost: 0,
entry_currency: "usd",
initial_amount: 250,
min_users: 1,
max_users: 500,
users: 250,
prize_amount: 50,
prize_currency: "usd",
prize_strategy: "fixed",
bots_exempt_from_prizes: false,
contest_paid_at: 1623020176968,
fixed_prizes: [
updated_at: 1623020176965

The Tradeable Object



Unique identifier for the tradeable.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always tradeable for this object type.


The league associated with the entity connected to this Tradeable.


The unique identifier of the entity that is referenced by the tradeable. This entity represents the player who accrues stats during the lifecycle of the event.


The unique identifier of the event to which this tradeable will earn fantasy points for.


The number of points that Jock MKT projects the Tradeable to score during the event. This value is frozen when the event locks to updates approximately sixty minutes before IPO opens.

This projection is provided for display purposes only.


The number of points that the Tradeable has scored during games included in the event to date based on data from our upstream data partners. This value is subject to change until the event that the Tradeable belongs to closes to live trading.


The pre-rank associated with this Tradeable based on the number of fantasy points that Jock MKT projects the underlying entity to score in games included in the event compared to other Tradeables in the event. This value serves as the tiebreaker if two Tradeables score the same number of fantasy points during an event.

This value is frozen when the event locks to updates approximately sixty minutes before IPO opens.


The final rank for this Tradeable based on the number of points scored by the underlying Entity during the event, and the basis for the Tradeable's payout and final price.


The amount that the Tradeable was purchased at during the event's IPO.


The highest price that the Tradeable has traded for during the event.


The lowest price that the Tradeable has traded for during the event.


The last price that users have paid for the Tradeable.


The current highest bid price for the Tradeable from users in the event.


The current lowest ask price for the Tradeable from users in the event.


The payout that is associated with the player at the conclusion of the event.


The stats that the underlying entity has accumulated in one or more games.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this object changed.

The Tradeable Object
id: "tdbl_60baf6cd7702cd22fcc6299cf30b55e3",
object: "tradeable",
league: "nba",
entity_id: "ent_fcc6299cf30b55e3c176491d2a7fc96c",
event_id: "evt_60baf6cd7702cd2291f303d971787271",
points: {
projected: 34.87,
scored: 44.5
rank: {
projected: 7,
final: 6
price: {
ipo: 10,
high: 13.42,
low: 9.80,
last: 10,
estimated: 12,
bid: 11.16,
ask: 13.1,
final: 12
stats: [
blocks: 1,
points: 17,
steals: 4,
assists: 10,
game_id: "game_60b8e6cda67055269f842767439d10d8",
minutes: "37:13",
rebounds: 4,
turnovers: 5,
field_goals_att: 7,
free_throws_att: 10,
field_goals_made: 7,
free_throws_made: 3,
three_points_att: 0,
three_points_made: 0,
defensive_rebounds: 4,
offensive_rebounds: 0
updated_at: 1623019169614

The Event Payout Object



The one-indexed position that will receive the payout.


The amount that a share of a player in the given position will be paid out for.

The Event Payout Object
position: 1,
amount: 25

Fetch Event

Retrieve information about the specified event.

Query Parameters


One or more optional fields related to the retrieved object, formatted as comma-separated strings within [] square brackets. Defaults to no inclusions.

For the Event object, you may request that games, payouts, tradeables, and tradeables.entity be included in the response.


Returns the Event object for the event specified by the event_id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Event.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/events/evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
event: {
id: "evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12",
object: "event",
name: "NBA Daily Market 4/9",
description: "Daily market for NBA trading",
type: "market",
status: "scheduled",
league: "nba",
currency: "usd",
scoring_method: "nba_v1",
ipo_open_at: 1623101400000,
live_at_estimated: 1623108600000,
close_at_estimated: 1623125700000,
starting_bid: 1,
min_tick: 0.01,
amount_completed: 1,
updated_at: 1623042010467

Fetch Event Payouts

Retrieve the list of payouts to be made at the conclusion of an event.

Query Parameters

This route does not support any query parameters.


Returns a list of event payouts for the event specified by the event_id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the payouts.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/events/evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12/payouts \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
count: 3,
payouts: [
position: 1,
amount: 25
position: 2,
amount: 15
position: 3,
amount: 1

Fetch Event Games

Retrieve a list of Game objects. This query always returns Game objects in ascending order by scheduled start time.

Query Parameters

This route does not support any query parameters.


Returns a list of Game objects. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Game entities.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/events/evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12/games \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
count: 3,
games: [
id: "game_60bb686586eaf95a5e8dafa3823d89cb",
object: "game",
name: "Atlanta Hawks at Philadelphia 76ers",
league: "nba",
scheduled_start: 1623195000000,
status: "in_progress",
home: {
team_id: "team_de200b98559735706b2e4cc581bf65ef",
points: 77
away: {
team_id: "team_4d7379c8d756e5a15190c56b550778a8",
points: 70
state: {
clock: "4:59",
quarter: 3
sportradar_id: "9511cce9-968e-49db-a390-bc8c34723310",
updated_at: 1623201948475

Fetch Event Tradeables

Retrieve the list of Tradeables that will accrue points and receive payouts for the event.

Query Parameters

This route does not support any query parameters.


Returns a list of Tradeable objects for the event specified by the event_id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the list of Tradeables.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/events/evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12/tradeables \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
count: 48,
tradeables: [
id: "tdbl_60baf6cd7702cd22fcc6299cf30b55e3",
object: "tradeable",
league: "nba",
entity_id: "ent_fcc6299cf30b55e3c176491d2a7fc96c",
event_id: "evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12",
points: {
projected: 34.87,
scored: 44.5
rank: {
projected: 7,
final: 6
price: {
ipo: 10,
high: 13.42,
low: 9.80,
last: 10,
estimated: 12,
bid: 11.16,
ask: 13.1,
final: 12
stats: [
blocks: 1,
points: 17,
steals: 4,
assists: 10,
game_id: "game_60b8e6cda67055269f842767439d10d8",
minutes: "37:13",
rebounds: 4,
turnovers: 5,
field_goals_att: 7,
free_throws_att: 10,
field_goals_made: 7,
free_throws_made: 3,
three_points_att: 0,
three_points_made: 0,
defensive_rebounds: 4,
offensive_rebounds: 0
updated_at: 1623019169614

Fetch Events

Retrieve a list of Event objects. This query always returns Event objects in descending order of the event's published live market open time.

Query Parameters


One or more ids to filter the response by; comma-separated values inside [] brackets.


The league to retrieve events for. If you do not include a league, the query will return events for all leagues.


The first Event entity to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of records to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Returns a list of Event objects, filtered and sorted according to any passed query parameters. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Event entities.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/events \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d "league=nba" \
-d "start=14" \
-d "limit=1"
status: "success",
start: 14,
limit: 1,
count: 504,
teams: [
id: "evt_60dbec530d2197a973c5dddcf6f65e12",
object: "event",
name: "NBA Daily Market 4/9",
description: "Daily market for NBA trading",
type: "market",
status: "scheduled",
league: "nba",
currency: "usd",
scoring_method: "nba_v1",
ipo_open_at: 1623101400000,
live_at_estimated: 1623108600000,
close_at_estimated: 1623125700000,
starting_bid: 1,
min_tick: 0.01,
amount_completed: 1,
updated_at: 1623042010467


An Entry describes metadata about an account's involvement in a particular Event.

You must join an event by using the Create Entry endpoint prior to being able to place an order for an event's Tradeables. Creating an Entry may cause an account debit if the event being joined is a paid-entry contest. Joining a contest event and paying the associated join fee cannot be undone.

Reported leaderboard data is updated periodically during events and may not reflect real-time pricing and statistical data.

At the conclusion of an event's live trading, Jock MKT liquidates outstanding positions and awards the associated payout. Once an event progresses to payouts_completed status, payout information becomes available for a given entry.


The Entry Object



Unique identifier for the entry with prefix ent_.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always entry for this object type.


The unique identifier for the event that was joined with this entry.


The latest leaderboard value for all positions that have been entered into for the given event. For market events, the leaderboard amount is the overall plus/minus, including projected values for active positions, for all positions that a user has ever held, including positions that a user has exited. For contest events, the leaderboard amount is the estimated contest chip balance, including projected values for active positions.


The current ranking of the leaderboard amount value compared to all other users in the event.


Whether or not the leaderboard position is tied. If tied, all tied users are reported at the lowest tied position.


One or more Tradeable ids that have been favorited.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this object may have changed.

The Entry Object
id: "ent_xxcmfcy7as6brxzzp0h31gf4n3yjfvja",
object: "entry",
event_id: "evt_6088dddc7ba8dc77202465794379c4fc",
leaderboard: {
position: 66,
is_tied: false,
amount: 284.6884
updated_at: 1619847684011

Create Entry

Body Parameters


The unique identifier of the Event being joined. An event must be in an eligible status to be joined (scheduled and ipo for both market and contest events, and ipo_closed and live for market events).

Joining a contest event will cause the authenticated account to have its usd balance debited for the amount indicated for the given event's contest entry_cost.


Returns a newly created Entry object if the request succeeds. Returns an error if there is a problem creating the Order.

$ curl -X POST https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/entries \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d event_id=evt_60d00ec7fa5095e235f6183a7fbda141
status: "success",
entry: {
id: "ent_jdmk8k78as822gwsqg7zp0yavs8uapbj",
object: "entry",
event_id: "evt_60d00ec7fa5095e235f6183a7fbda141",
updated_at: 1624249724797

Fetch Entry

Fetch a single Entry object by its unique identifier. You may request an Entry by either its id or its associated event id.

Query Parameters


One or more optional fields related to the retrieved object, formatted as comma-separated strings within [] square brackets. Defaults to no inclusions.

For the Entry object, you may request that event, payouts, and payouts.tradeable be included in the response.


Returns the Entry object for the given id.

Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Entry.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/entries/evt_60cebd539f0ae1374d36308ae7207b8d \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
entry: {
id: "ent_ovel4wg02y6oosmguk7l1u54tdrr75iu",
object: "entry",
event_id: "evt_60cebd539f0ae1374d36308ae7207b8d",
leaderboard: {
position: 205,
is_tied: false,
amount: 158.4614
updated_at: 1624298880870

Fetch Entries

Retrieve a list of Entry objects. This query returns Entry objects in descending order by event status and join time.

Query Parameters


One or more ids to filter the response by; comma-separated values inside [] brackets.


One or more optional fields related to the retrieved object, formatted as comma-separated strings within [] square brackets. Defaults to no inclusions.

For the Entry object, you may request that event, payouts, and payouts.tradeable be included in the response.


The first Event entity to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of records to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Retrieve a list of Entry objects sorted in descending order.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/entries \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d "include=[payouts]"
status: "success",
start: 0,
limit: 20,
count: 4,
entries: [
id: "ent_d1gxcbspq2mwordwx31pyesvqo4tgia8",
object: "entry",
event_id: "evt_60c8112e447658e91f53cc3d2645f71a",
favorites: [
updated_at: 1623814961163
id: "ent_b008y9xt0cz29dyu8j5z2iu7u9sy4p82",
object: "entry",
event_id: "evt_60a511fcaaaf89935dcff4e954661a20",
updated_at: 1621478855191
id: "ent_6gd034maghzhjd7jkrpl8569j2irg6c6",
object: "entry",
event_id: "evt_6092185abff11d0f82d94c99733751ae",
updated_at: 1620450794410
id: "ent_xxcmfcy7as6brxzzp0h31gf4n3yjfvja",
object: "entry",
event_id: "evt_6088dddc7ba8dc77202465794379c4fc",
leaderboard: {
position: 66,
is_tied: false,
amount: 284.6884
updated_at: 1619847684011,
payouts: [
tradeable_id: "tdbl_6088dddc7ba8dc77da4bddbbc347c31f",
quantity: 2,
price: 25,
cost_basis: 15.16,
cost_basis_all_time: 15.16,
proceeds_all_time: 50


An order represents a request to purchase or sell a given number of shares in a particular Tradeable at a particular price. Creating orders will immediately affect the buying_power of the currency that a particular event is based on (usd for market events and a specific contest currency for contest events) to ensure that a user's balance is sufficient should the order be filled by our matching algorithm.

The order lifecycle begins with the acknowledgment of the order being accepted by Jock MKT, indicated by the created status applied to new orders.

Once an order has been seen by the allocation and match services, it will update with an accepted status should it remain open after an initial allocation or match run. The order will remain accepted until the order moves to a final status.

During the IPO event phase, orders projected to receive allocations remain accepted with a non-zero projected_quantity. If the order is outbid, its status moves to outbid and will receive no additional updates. Winning IPO orders become filled should they receive allocations at the conclusion of the IPO process.

During the live bidding phase, orders that are accepted may be filled or partly filled at any time due to order activity of other users. If an order receives its requested allocation, the order becomes final with a filled status. If you request to cancel an order and its cancellation is processed before the order receives its requested quantity, the order becomes final with a cancelled status.

Orders that remain open as an event closes are expired by the system.


The Order Object



Unique identifier for the order.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always order for this object type.


The identifier for the Tradeable that the order is being made for.


The identifier of the event in which the Tradeable is taking part.


The identifier of the underlying Entity that earns stats in one or more games during the event.


The current status of the order. One of created, accepted, filled, outbid, cancelled, outbid, or expired.


The side of the order. One of buy or sell.


The type of order. Always limit.


The event phase during which the order is eligible to be executed. One of ipo or live.


The number of shares that are being requested to be purchased or sold. Must be a positive integer.


The time at which Jock MKT created and confirmed the order as ellgible for processing.


The number of shares that have been filled on an order to date.


The number of shares that this order is projected to receive if the IPO were to happen immediately. Present for orders with a phase of ipo that remain in an accepted status.


The price set by the user as their maximum (for buy orders) or minimum (for sell orders) in order for the order to be executed.


The amount of event currency that has been spent to purchase shares in the order. Present for buy orders.


The amount of event currency that has been received for selling shares in the order. Present for sell orders.


The amount of event currency that has been spent on fees for this order.


The time at which the order exchange received a newly created order and performed an initial match.


The time at which the order was filled on all requested shares. Valid only for orders with status filled.


The time at which the order became fully outbid. Valid only for orders with phase ipo.


The time at which the order ended eligibility to be filled during live trading.

Orders that remain open through the conclusion of an event are automatically expired.


The time at which a user requested the order be cancelled.


The time at which the Jock MKT platform confirmed an order that was requested to be cancelled was actually cancelled and closed. Valid only for orders with phase live and status cancelled.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this game changed.

The Order Object — Live Limit Buy
id: "ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "filled",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "live",
time_in_force: "gtc",
quantity: 10,
limit_price: 8,
cost_basis: 74,
fee_paid: 1.48,
filled_quantity: 10,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1614303565270,
accepted_at: 1612405463464,
filled_at: 1612405463464

Create Order

Body Parameters


The unique identifier of the Tradeable being bought or sold.


Whether the order is to purchase or sell shares, either buy or sell.


The type of order being created, always limit.


The event phase during which the order may be filled, either ipo or live. Orders must be created during the event phase indicated; orders for the live market cannot be submitted during the event's IPO.


The number of shares to buy or sell, depending on the order's side. Must be a positive integer.


The minimum or maximum price at which shares may be filled for the order. Buy orders are filled at or under the limit price. Sell orders are filled at or below the limit price.

Limit prices must have two decimal points. For example: 1.00, 12.56, 1.02, 23.53 are valid limit prices and 1, 1.1, 25, 0 are not.


Returns a newly created Order object if the request succeeds. Returns an error if there is a problem creating the Order.

Orders that are created do not yet contain information regarding whether the order has been matched with other orders or if any fills have been made. Perform a subsequent request for the order or use a suitable streaming endpoint to receive updates throughout the order's lifecycle.

$ curl -X POST https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/orders \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d tradeable_id=tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08 \
-d side=buy \
-d type=limit \
-d phase=ipo \
-d quantity=12 \
-d limit_price=13.44
status: "success",
order: {
id: "ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "created",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "ipo",
quantity: 12,
limit_price: 13.44,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1612405462467

Edit Order

Order editing lets you modify the limit_price, quantity, or both on a live order without having to cancel the order and submit a new one. This is only allowed for orders during the live phase of an event. There must be enough funds for the new order. Any partial fulfillments of the order will remain fulfilled. If the new quantity is equal to or below the filled_quantity, the order will be marked as filled.

Because this is a request to edit the order, the response will set the requested_quantity and requested_limit_price fields, along with a timestamped edit_requested_at field and the quantity and limit_price fields will retain the original values. After the new order has been handled by the system and the changes registered, future queries on the order will have updated quantity and limit_price fields and the requested_quantity, requested_limit_price and edit_requested_at fields will be set to undefined.

Body Parameters


The number of shares to buy or sell, depending on the order's side. Must be a positive integer.


The minimum or maximum price at which shares may be filled for the order. Buy orders are filled at or under the limit price. Sell orders are filled at or below the limit price.

Limit prices must have two decimal points. For example: 1.00, 12.56, 1.02, 23.53 are valid limit prices and 1, 1.1, 25, 0 are not.


Returns an Order object with the request fields filled in if the request succeeds. Returns an error if there is a problem editing the Order.

Orders that are edited do not yet contain information regarding whether the order has been matched with other orders or if any fills have been made. Perform a subsequent request for the order or use a suitable streaming endpoint to receive updates throughout the order's lifecycle.

$ curl -X PATCH https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/orders/ord_123 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d quantity=12 \
-d limit_price=13.44
status: "success",
order: {
id: "ord_123",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "accepted",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "live",
quantity: 3,
limit_price: 3.44,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1612405462467,
edit_requested_at: 1612405463234,
requested_quantity: 12,
requested_limit_price: 13.44

Cancel Order

Body Parameters

This request does not support any body parameters.


Returns the Order object that is now pending cancellation confirmation. Returns an error if there is a problem handling the cancellation request (for example, if the order is no longer in a cancellable state).

Cancellations are supported only for orders with phase live with status accepted. IPO orders may not be cancelled once created.

$ curl -X DELETE https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/orders/ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
order: {
id: "ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "accepted",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "live",
quantity: 20,
limit_price: 6,
cost_basis: 50,
fee_paid: 1.0,
filled_quantity: 10,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1612405483464,
accepted_at: 1612405463464,
cancellation_requested_at: 1612405483464

Bulk Cancel Orders

Cancel orders can be done in bulk by sending multiple comma separated order_ids in the HTTP path.

Because some cancellations can fail if the an order has already been processed, if this happens, we still return a 200 Success response and the orders need to be checked to see if the cancellation_requested_at field has a value.

Body Parameters

This request does not support any body parameters.


Returns an array of Order objects that may or may not have pending cancellation confirmation. Returns an error if there is a problem handling the cancellation request beyond the order simply being unable to be cancelled.

Cancellations are supported only for orders with phase live with status accepted. IPO orders may not be cancelled once created. A bulk cancellation that includes IPO orders will result in a 402 response.

$ curl -X DELETE https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/orders/ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8,ord_6408b065abd66a5df9f36111bba84c12 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
orders: [
id: "ord_6408b065abd66a5df9f36111bba84c12",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "accepted",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "live",
quantity: 20,
limit_price: 6,
cost_basis: 50,
fee_paid: 1.0,
filled_quantity: 10,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1612405483464,
accepted_at: 1612405463464,
cancellation_requested_at: 1612405483464
id: "ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "accepted",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "live",
quantity: 20,
limit_price: 6,
cost_basis: 50,
fee_paid: 1.0,
filled_quantity: 10,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1612405483464,
accepted_at: 1612405463464,

Fetch Order

Fetch a single Order object by its unique identifier.

Query Parameters

This request does not support any query parameters.


Returns the Order object for the given id. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Order.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/orders/ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
order: {
id: "ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "filled",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "live",
time_in_force: "gtc",
quantity: 10,
limit_price: 8,
cost_basis: 74,
fee_paid: 1.48,
filled_quantity: 10,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1614303565270,
accepted_at: 1612405463464,
filled_at: 1612405463464

Fetch Orders

Retrieve a list of Order objects for the authenticated account. This query always returns Order objects in descending order by their created at timestamp.

Query Parameters


One or more ids to filter the response by; comma-separated values inside [] brackets.


An optional event to restrict orders to.


When true, returns only objects that may receive additional fills (e.g. orders whose status is either created or accepted).


Restricts the response to include only orders whose updated_at timestamps are greater than the passed value.


The first Order object to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of objects to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Returns a list of Order objects, filtered and sorted according to any passed query parameters. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the Order objects.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/orders \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d "event_id=evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5" \
-d "limit=1"
status: "success",
start: 0,
limit: 20
count: 1,
orders: [
id: "ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8",
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
entity_id: "ent_7a763361bd2f9a08d45221e45221558b",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
status: "filled",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
phase: "live",
time_in_force: "gtc",
quantity: 10,
limit_price: 8,
cost_basis: 74,
fee_paid: 1.48,
filled_quantity: 10,
created_at: 1612405462467,
updated_at: 1614303565270,
accepted_at: 1612405463464,
filled_at: 1612405463464


The Position object represents your account's position in a particular Tradeable.


The Position Object



Unique identifier for the position and the corresponding id of the Tradeable object that the position is in.


The name of the object, helpful for cases where you may receive multiple types of objects via the same endpoint. Always position for this object type.


The id of the Event that the underlying Tradeable is taking part in.


The total number of shares that have ever been purchased for this Tradeable, either during IPO or live trading.


The total number of shares that have ever been sold for this Tradeable during live trading. This count does not include shares that were offered for sale but were not sold.


The total quantity of shares currently owned.


The total number of shares that are being bid on via open buy orders.


The total number of shares that are being offered via open sell orders.


The total amount spent to acquire shares of this Tradeable that are actively owned. The currency used to acquire the shares can be found by examining the corresponding event's currency field. This amount does not include any fees paid to acquire the shares.


The total amount spent to acquire shares of this Tradeable irrespective of whether or not the shares are currently owned. The currency used to acquire the shares can be found by examining the corresponding event's currency field. This amount does not include any fees paid to acquire the shares.


The total proceeds gained when selling shares of this Tradeable irrespective of whether or not the shares were ever repurchased. The currency collected for the sale of the shares can be found by examining the corresponding event's currency field. This amount does not include any fees paid to sell the shares.


A timestamp representing the last time that any fields associated with this object may have changed.

The Position Object
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
object: "position",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
bought_count: 19,
sold_count: 4,
quantity: 15,
buy_interest: 0,
sell_interest: 7,
cost_basis: 76.44,
cost_basis_all_time: 102.8,
proceeds_all_time: 60,
updated_at: 1614303565270

Fetch Positions

Retrieve active positions for the authenticated user.

Query Parameters


Restricts the response to include only position objects whose updated_at timestamps are greater than the passed value.


Returns the active list of Position objects for the authenticated user in the positions field of the response body if the request succeeds. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the list of Position objects.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/positions \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
count: 1,
positions: [
tradeable_id: "tdbl_60178af63330f2627a763361bd2f9a08",
object: "position",
event_id: "evt_60178af63330f262d40d2650671bdac5",
estimated_price: 14.89,
bought_count: 19,
sold_count: 4,
available: 15,
selling_power: 8,
cost_basis: 76.44,
cost_basis_all_time: 102.8,
proceeds_all_time: 60,
updated_at: 1614303565270

Account Activity

Account activity consists of multiple types of user actions that may cause a change in one or more user balances.

The account activity endpoint provides a means of retrieving recent account history, including all contest joins, orders, payouts, and contest prizes that have occured for the authenticated user.


Contest Join Object



Unique identifier for the account activity with prefix aact_.


The type of account activity. Always account_activity:contest_join for this activity type.


The unique identifier for the contest event that was joined.


The currency that was used to enter the contest event. Always usd.


The amount of currency that was spent to join the contest event.


The contest currency grant that was made upon event entry.


The amount of contest currency granted to the user for the event entry.


A timestamp representing the time that the event was joined.

The Account Activity — Contest Join Object
id: "aact_rx14ungx9heyrnykn6vxauou9eh81r5a",
object: "account_activity:contest_join",
event_id: "evt_60d2b1d329bc7a7eb2132c9792c89a61",
debit: {
currency: "usd",
amount: 0
credit: {
currency: "cur_60d2b1d329bc7a7eb2132c9792c89a61",
amount: 250
created_at: 1624580270386

Order Object



Unique identifier for the account activity with prefix aact_.


The type of account activity. Always account_activity:order for this activity type.


The identifier of the order that was created.


A timestamp representing the time that the order was created.

The Account Activity — Order Object
id: "aact_60d52bdb7a764cfe73aa326b0d67f768",
object: "account_activity:order",
order_id: "ord_601b5ad6538ec34875ee1687c4a657f8",
created_at: 1624583130174

Payout Object



Unique identifier for the account activity with prefix aact_.


The type of account activity. Always account_activity:payout for this activity type.


The list of Payout objects that were made.


A timestamp representing the time that the payouts were made and positions were liquidated.

The Account Activity — Payout Object
id: "aact_60d52bdb7a764cfe73aa326b0d67f763",
object: "account_activity:payout",
payouts: [],
created_at: 1624583130174

Contest Prize Object



Unique identifier for the account activity with prefix aact_.


The type of account activity. Always account_activity:contest_prize for this activity type.


The unique identifier for the contest event that was joined.


The currency type that was used to grant the contest prize.


The amount of the contest prize made in the given currency.


A timestamp representing the time that the contest prize was awarded.

The Account Activity — Contest Prize Object
id: "aact_60d52bdb7a764cfe73aa326b0d67f763",
object: "account_activity:contest_prize",
event_id: "evt_60d2b1d329bc7a7eb2132c9792c89a61",
credit: {
currency: 'usd',
amount: 20
created_at: 1624583130174

Bonus Object



Unique identifier for the account activity with prefix aact_.


The type of account activity. Always account_activity:bonus for this activity type.


The currency that the bonus was given in.


The amount of the bonus that was credited in the indicated currency.


A timestamp representing the time that the bonus was granted.

The Account Activity — Bonus Object
id: "aact_60d52bdb7a764cfe73aa326b0d67f763",
object: "account_activity:bonus",
credit: {
currency: "usd",
amount: 10
bonus: {
code: "RICKRUNGOOD10",
description: "Referral Bonus"
created_at: 1624583130174

Deposit Object



Unique identifier for the account activity with prefix aact_.


The type of account activity. Always account_activity:deposit for this activity type.


The status of the deposit attempt. One of created, in_progress, completed, failed or reversed.


The currency being deposited. Always usd.


The amount of the deposit attempt, if the attempt progresses to an amount being selected.


A timestamp representing the time that the deposit attempt began.

The Account Activity — Deposit Object
id: "aact_60d52bdb7a764cfe73aa326b0d67f768",
object: "account_activity:deposit",
status: "completed",
credit: {
currency: "usd",
amount: 100
created_at: 1624583130174

Withdrawal Object



Unique identifier for the account activity with prefix aact_.


The type of account activity. Always account_activity:withdrawal for this activity type.


The status of the deposit attempt. One of created, in_progress, completed, failed or reversed.


The currency being withdrawl. Always usd.


The amount of the withdrawal attempt.


A timestamp representing the time that the withdrawal attempt began.

The Account Activity — Withdrawal Object
id: "aact_60d52bdb7a764cfe73aa326b0d67f769",
object: "account_activity:withdrawal",
status: "completed",
debit: {
currency: "usd",
amount: 80
created_at: 1624583130174

Fetch Account Activity

Retrieve a list of Order objects for the authenticated account. This query always returns Order objects in descending order by their created at timestamp.

Query Parameters


The first account activity object to return. Defaults to 0.


The number of records to return, an integer from 1 to 100. Defaults to 20.


Returns a list of account activity objects in descending order of the activity's created_at timestamp. Returns an error if there is a problem retrieving the account activity objects.

$ curl https://api.jockmkt.net/v1/account/activity \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
status: "success",
count: 3,
activity: [
id: "aact_60d52bdb7a764cfe73aa326b0d67f768",
object: "account_activity:deposit",
status: "created",
credit: {
currency: "usd",
amount: 400
created_at: 1624583130174
id: "aact_60d52139eeda3af55dc06d59628f5c80",
object: "account_activity:order",
order_id: "ord_60d521394ef0e52151c3c4ec68ac65f7",
created_at: 1624580408867
id: "aact_rx14ungx9heyrnykn6vxauou9eh81r5a",
object: "account_activity:contest_join",
event_id: "evt_60d2b1d329bc7a7eb2132c9792c89a61",
debit: {
currency: "usd",
amount: 0
credit: {
currency: "cur_60d2b1d329bc7a7eb2132c9792c89a61",
amount: 250
created_at: 1624580270386